What is baby colic?
Baby Colic is the diagnosis which you will hear from your doctor to describe your baby excessive cry without a physical reason in the first three months of his or her life. It is one of the most difficult time for parents in the first three months. They may not believe that their child is healthy so the support and continuous reassurance are very important to help them get over this time. Excessive crying and colic will vanish when the child reaches three to four months . It can happen equally in boys and girls and whether they breast fed or on formula.
Kids normally cry especially in the first three months but usually for a short time and no special changes in the baby.
When the baby has colic, the pattern of crying is different moreover he or she may have some physical change which can be noticed during the excessive cry. Usually there is a start and an end pattern.
In colic, the baby cries for more than three hours a day, more than three days a week, at least three weeks a month in most of the cases. The cry is usually loud with difficult to soothe as if the child is in pain. The colic may be associated with some physical changes such as red face, hard bulging belly, drawn legs and arched back
The baby is usually well and happy between the episodes of crying.
What causes baby colic?
The cause is not clear. The parents haven’t done any wrong. Some researchers think a change in the hormones that control the movement of gut muscles, abnormal bacterial balance or lactose intolerance may be contributed.
What Other causes might make babies cry?
The child may be hungry so feeding him or her will rule out this reason. Pain may be a reason
Food sensitivity in the formula or mother’s diet (milk, wheat or eggs) which may appear on the child after you feed him or her especially if is associated with spitting up or diarrhea or constipation
What is the management?
1-After ruling out any physical problem with your doctor you can try the following:
• Switch to soy milk if you don’t breast feed him or her, if you do you need to stop dairy and dairy products like cheese and see how it goes, you should see a change in a week if you don’t see that then no point to deprive yourself.
• Sitting-up position is the best way
• Put your baby in a comfortable chair like his or her car seat close to a noise like dryer or fridge; put a clock close to his or her head to hear the pulse of the second hand.
• White noise such as vacuum cleaners, washing machines may help
• car journey
• Warm bath, swaddle
2- Herbal: tea mixed with some herbals might help but should be used cautiously, Grip water is widely used but some types contain dangerous ingredients like alcohol .
2- Time –out: before you burn out you need some time out. Ask for help from a family member or friend.
When to see your doctor again?
1-If your child has fever with the colic
2-If you see blood in the stool
3-Excessive vomiting
4-The child becomes lethargic ( doest respond when you try to wake him or her up)
5-Stop drinking or eating for few hours
6-If you see any injury
7-If you are not happy or can’t stop him