What is Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?
SIDS is the sudden,
unexplained death of an infant younger than one year old. It is not caused by
any vaccine, not indications of bad parenting
What are the
risk factors?
· Stomach sleeping position
· Sleeping on a soft surface
· Overheating
· Mothers under 20 year old
· smoking during pregnancy
· no prenatal care
· low birth weight babies
How can I reduce
the SIDS risk?
Certain things can help reduce
the risk of SIDS:
· Always place babies on their backs
to sleep –Babies who sleep on their backs are less likely to die of SIDS than
babies who sleep on their stomachs or sides.
· Use the back sleep position every
time – eg.during a nap,
· Place your baby on a firm sleep
surface, such as a safety-approved crib mattress covered with a fitted sheet -
Never place a baby to sleep on a pillow, quilt, sheepskin, or other soft
· Keep soft objects, toys, and loose
bedding out of your baby’s sleep area –Don’t use pillows, blankets, quilts,
sheepskins, or pillow-like bumpers in your baby’s sleep area. Keep all items
away from the baby’s face.
· Avoid letting your baby overheat
during sleep –Dress your baby in light sleep clothing and keep the room at a
temperature that is comfortable for an adult.
· Think about using a clean, dry
pacifier when placing your baby down to sleep, but don’t force the baby to take
it. (If you’re breastfeeding, wait until your child is 1 month old, or is used
to breastfeeding before using a pacifier.)
· Don't allow anyone to smoke around your baby
from healthycanadians site