What are the risk factors for testicular cancer?
The strongest risk factors for testicular cancer are:
• Delayed descent of the testicles(if not corrected early);
• Age, particularly between 15 and 40 years;
• Family or personal history of testicular cancer;
• Abnormal development of the testicle.
What are the tests available today?
Clinical examinations, where your health care provider can check your testicles for any changes or abnormalities. If cancer is suspected, a biopsy or complete removal of one testicle may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. You can still get an erection and have children with one testicle.
What is my chance of getting the disease and then dying from it?
Testicular cancer is uncommon overall, but is the most common cancer in young men, peaking between the ages of 25 and 29. Early detection of testicular cancer likely increases a person’s chances of survival. With current treatments, outcomes are very favourable, with 5-year survival greater than 96%.
What is the current recommendation?
Know what is normal for your testicles (shape and texture) so that you will notice any changes and can report them to your health care provider. Your testicles should be soft, round and rubbery. For men 15 to 40 years of age, your testicles may be checked at your periodic health exam. Men over age 15 should report any changes in shape and consistency to their health care provider.